Tipam Fakial village is also known as Tipam Phake village which is located in Naharkatia of Dibrugarh district. It is situated 18km away from the headquarter Naharkatia and 58km away from district headquarter of Dibrugarh. The total geographical area of the village is 260.73 hectares. Tipam Fakial has a total population of 1,420 peoples. There are about 251 houses in Tipam Fakial village. The village of Tipam Phake was established in 1835 AD and the Tai Phake Buddhist monestry was established in 1850 AD. The people of Tai Phake are generally Buddhists. Tai Phake is a large branch of ethnic group with its own unique art, culture, language and tradition. Tai-Phake people have preserved their customs, traditions, culture, heritage and cuisine with great care; welcoming tourists with warm smiles to experience the Tai-Phake way of life. The monestry of Tipam Phake village is a unique architecture saving all the customs of Buddhism in it. It is a tourist destination of all communities and races.